Es hat eine Weile gedauert, bis die technischen Fragen geklärt waren, aber nun war es endlich soweit: Am Donnerstag, den 25.2.21, fand das erste Online Meeting der Teilnehmer der digitalen Englandaustausches aus den 8ten Klassen mit ihren Partnern von unserer Partnerschule in Ely statt – ein etwas außergewöhnliches erstes Kennenlernen, das aber beiden Seiten viele interessante Einblicke bot.
Online Meeting with our Exchange Partners from King’s Ely
On time, at 12:30, we all got together on MS Teams to meet our partners from England. Ms Bernstein and Mr Urwin were already there and welcomed us. While everyone was arriving, they put us in breakout rooms together with our exchange students from England. In every breakout room there were about five to eight people. At first we all were pretty shy and didn’t turn on our cameras, but as soon as Mr Urwin motivated us, almost everyone turned on their camera and we started talking about different things. The English students were quite interested in our school and so we showed them our short film about “Gymnasium Remchingen“, which we had made in our arts lessons with Mr Afken in December. Other topics in our conversations were for example the weather, the current COVID-19 situation, our favourite subjects and the differences between Germany and England. So after some initial difficulties we definitely had a great time with our partners.
(By Jil Hoeft and Lea Sieb, 8a)